Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I've Had It

With that fucking Ali commercial on ESPN. Ali had about as much to do with the creation of rap as howler monkeys had to do with the creation of punk rock. The premise isn't even what pisses me off so much. People can argue whatever the hell they want. Stupid fucking idiotic arguments, but what do I care? It's that assholes blindly accept it as fact, because they think it sounds deep and would never say that Ali didn't have some sort of positive effect on anything. Even that isn't what pisses me off the most. It's when Bill Maher comes on the screen and says, "I am from the house of shock." Now I know it's a quote, but I think Maher believes this about himself, and isn't thinking of Ali when he says it. Contrived isn't shocking. Or funny. What is shocking is the supposed hot ass that this man pulls. I have no examples, but I hear things.

Not from the house of shock.

Also, why the fuck are they still playing the commercial anyway? Didn't the show air like 2 months ago? Assholes.

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